Magento – Display custom field in customer address using address template


I tried to display a custom field in the customer address using "Address Templates" from admin interface, but it doesn't work. Here what I did:

I installed this extension to manage the fiscal code on Magento. This extension use the following configuration (etc/config.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <customer_taxcode><to_customer>taxcode</to_customer>       </customer_taxcode>



following this guide I added the following lines











then in the admin interface, in system -> configuration -> customer configuration -> address template I added the taxcode field in this way:

CF: {{var taxcode}}

I'm getting crazy but id doesn't work, in the address on frontend or email template I can see only CF without the value… Any idea?

Best Answer

So normally the address is formatted with the following line of code $address->format('html'); where html is the format.

Basically this will work its way down to the function render in Mage_Customer_Block_Address_Renderer_Default. This will loop through add the address attributes and build a data array to be used. It does check that the address attribute is visible via if (!$attribute->getIsVisible()) {

I would suggest trying two things.

  1. Firstly check that the attribute has is_visible set,

  2. Then check that the value is set when the address is formatted and if not it can be set using an observer,

    There is an event customer_address_format which gives you the $type of the formatting and the $address object. When listening to this event if the attribute is not set you could easily set the value for use later.