Display Products from Specific Category on CMS Page in Magento 1.9


I'm trying to set up a category products list on my homepage following this tutorial.

{{block type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" category_id="27" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}

The above code doesn't output anything when I put it inside "Content" of my CMS home page. I'm using version 1.9.2. What could be the problem?

Best Answer

Assuming you are using 1.9.2.[23] or 1.9.2.[01] with security patch SUPEE-6788 applied, you will need to add the block to the allowed block whitelist.

  1. Go to System > Permissions > Blocks.
  2. Click 'Add new block'.
  3. Enter 'catalog/product_list' and select 'Yes'.
  4. Click 'Save'.
  5. Clear your caches.

You should then be able to see output on the CMS page. If you don't have a menu item for System > Permissions > Blocks then you are probably on the older version without the patch so you're encountering a different problem.

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