Magento – Displaying different currencies for a single product


I want different base price for different currency, by default Magento converts the price based on currency ratio what we provide.
I have such requirements that I want to enter different price for different currency for each product.

Product A 10 Euro, 5 Dollar, 100 Rupees
Product B 15 Euro, 9 Dollar, 500 Rupees

How to achieve this.

Please help.

Thank You

Best Answer

First load currency loaded currency rates the multiple with product price

        $currencyModel = Mage::getModel('directory/currency');
        $currencies = $currencyModel->getConfigAllowCurrencies();
 $baseCurrencyCode = Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrencyCode();

        $defaultCurrencies = $currencyModel->getConfigBaseCurrencies();

                $rates=$currencyModel->getCurrencyRates($defaultCurrencies, $currencies);

                foreach($rates[$baseCurrencyCode] as $key=>$value  ) {
                    echo $key."-";
                    echo $price=$value*$Product->getPrice();
                    echo "<br/>";

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