Magento – During checkout, button “continue” doesn’t work


I have a problem on the magento ecommerce that I am creating. When I procede to checkout in the "billing information" section, the button "continue" after I insert user personal data doesn't work. It also doesn't work if I try to procede with a registered user.

Here is the link to the test website:

In the system.log file the following error appears:

2014-07-30T09:47:26+00:00 ERR (3): Warning:
include(Mage/Eav/Model/Attribute/Data/.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in
on line 93

2014-07-30T09:47:26+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening
'Mage/Eav/Model/Attribute/Data/.php' for inclusion
on line 93

I tried researching a bit and as suggested by someone I already attempted replacing the Autoload.php file. The error persists though. The system requirements are met. I have magento Anyone can help?

Thank you very much.

Edit 1: I uploaded a screen with the database result following Dave's comment.

Database results screen

Edit 2: I don't know if it's related to this problem but another error pops up in the error log.

ERR (3): Notice: Undefined index: customer_group_id in /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Product/Collection.php on line 1778

Best Answer

It's trying to include the model for an attribute type which doesn't exist. Thus the invalid Mage/Eav/Model/Attribute/Data/.php path in your error.

By the fact it's trying to include .php I'm going to presume that one of your attributes has no frontend_input set. To locate this login to your database and run the following query:

SELECT * FROM eav_attribute WHERE frontend_input = '';

Once you've got the results you should be able to determine which attribute is invalid and also then work out what sort of frontend_input it should have. If you're uncertain text is a safe bet. Feel free to reply with the attribute and I'll guide you.