Dynamically Get Zip Code on Shipping Form – Magento 1.9


I would like to get the zip code after the user is done inputting.
I am using a One Page Checkout for this. I am currently using a code that get the zip code on the user information being saved on the system. By the way I would like to add the code on one of the custom module's model. is this possible?

Best Answer

Add this code on the OnePageCheckout Controller(IndexController.php):

$billing_data = $this->getRequest()->getPost('billing', array());

and get the Zip Code:


as you wish to use it on other module, just set it on the core session:


and Get value from session in your module like:

$zipCode = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getZipCode();

this will allow you to get the Zip Code whenever the user is done inputting.

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