Magento – ECG compliance: How to do

best practicecoding-standardsmagento-1magento-ecg

There is something like a coding standard for Magento 1, called ECG where numerous things should be avoided or methods that should not be used.

Let's try to create a list that covers all cases that are throwing "errors" or "warning" in your code.

Below you'll find a list with all possible warnings. I'll update this post at regular intervals and link to given and upvoted answers.

Note: please try to avoid duplicate answers 😉


ECG Sniffs



Mysql4 classes are obsolete.

Object Instantiation

Direct object instantiation (class %s) is discouraged in Magento.

protected $disallowedClassPrefixes = array(



Use of goto is discouraged.


Namespace for "'.$exceptionClassName.'" class is not specified.

Private Class Member

Private class member detected.


Private class member detected.


Collection Count

Unnecessary loading of a Magento data collection. Use the getSize() method instead.


fetchAll() can be memory inefficient for large data sets.


getFirstItem() does not limit the result of collection load to one item.


Array size calculation function %s detected in loop

Model LSD method %s detected in loop

Data load %s method detected in loop

protected $countFunctions = array(
protected $modelLsdMethods = array(



Missing the %s() ACL method in the %s class.

const PARENT_CLASS_NAME = 'Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action';
const REQUIRED_ACL_METHOD_NAME = '_isAllowed';

Discouraged Function

public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
    '^is_dir' => null,
    '^is_file$' => null,
    '^pathinfo$' => null,

Forbidden Function

public $forbiddenFunctions = array(
    '^assert$' => null,
    '^bind_textdomain_codeset$' => null,
    '^bindtextdomain$' => null,
    '^bz.*$' => null,
    '^call_user_func$' => null,
    '^call_user_func_array$' => null,
    '^chdir$' => null,
    '^chgrp$' => null,
    '^chmod$' => null,
    '^chown$' => null,
    '^chroot$' => null,
    '^com_load_typelib$' => null,
    '^copy$' => null,
    '^create_function$' => null,
    '^curl_.*$' => null,
    '^cyrus_connect$' => null,
    '^dba_.*$' => null,
    '^dbase_.*$' => null,
    '^dbx_.*$' => null,
    '^dcgettext$' => null,
    '^dcngettext$' => null,
    '^dgettext$' => null,
    '^dio_.*$' => null,
    '^dirname$' => null,
    '^dngettext$' => null,
    '^domxml_.*$' => null,
    '^exec$' => null,
    '^fbsql_.*$' => null,
    '^fdf_add_doc_javascript$' => null,
    '^fdf_open$' => null,
    '^fopen$' => null,
    '^fsockopen$' => null,
    '^ftp_.*$' => null,
    '^fwrite$' => null,
    '^gettext$' => null,
    '^gz.*$' => null,
    '^header$' => null,
    '^highlight_file$' => null,
    '^ibase_.*$' => null,
    '^id3_set_tag$' => null,
    '^ifx_.*$' => null,
    '^image.*$' => null,
    '^imap_.*$' => null,
    '^ingres_.*$' => null,
    '^ircg_.*$' => null,
    '^ldap_.*$' => null,
    '^link$' => null,
    '^mail$' => null,
    '^mb_send_mail$' => null,
    '^mkdir$' => null,
    '^move_uploaded_file$' => null,
    '^msession_.*$' => null,
    '^msg_send$' => null,
    '^msql$' => null,
    '^msql_.*$' => null,
    '^mssql_.*$' => null,
    '^mysql_.*$' => null,
    '^odbc_.*$' => null,
    '^opendir$' => null,
    '^openlog$' => null,
    '^ora_.*$' => null,
    '^ovrimos_.*$' => null,
    '^parse_ini_file$' => null,
    '^parse_str$' => null,
    '^parse_url$' => null,
    '^parsekit_compile_string$' => null,
    '^passthru$' => null,
    '^pcntl_.*$' => null,
    '^posix_.*$' => null,
    '^pfpro_.*$' => null,
    '^pfsockopen$' => null,
    '^pg_.*$' => null,
    '^php_check_syntax$' => null,
    '^popen$' => null,
    '^print_r$' => null,
    '^printf$' => null,
    '^proc_open$' => null,
    '^putenv$' => null,
    '^readfile$' => null,
    '^readgzfile$' => null,
    '^readline$' => null,
    '^readlink$' => null,
    '^register_shutdown_function$' => null,
    '^register_tick_function$' => null,
    '^rename$' => null,
    '^rmdir$' => null,
    '^scandir$' => null,
    '^session_.*$' => null,
    '^set_include_path$' => null,
    '^set_ini$' => null,
    '^set_time_limit$' => null,
    '^setcookie$' => null,
    '^setlocale$' => null,
    '^setrawcookie$' => null,
    '^shell_exec$' => null,
    '^sleep$' => null,
    '^socket_.*$' => null,
    '^stream_.*$' => null,
    '^sybase_.*$' => null,
    '^symlink$' => null,
    '^syslog$' => null,
    '^system$' => null,
    '^touch$' => null,
    '^trigger_error$' => null,
    '^unlink$' => null,
    '^vprintf$' => null,
    '^mysqli.*$' => null,
    '^oci_connect$' => null,
    '^oci_pconnect$' => null,
    '^quotemeta$' => null,
    '^sqlite_popen$' => null,
    '^time_nanosleep$' => null,
    '^base64_decode$' => null,
    '^base_convert$' => null,
    '^basename$' => null,
    '^chr$' => null,
    '^convert_cyr_string$' => null,
    '^dba_nextkey$' => null,
    '^dns_get_record$' => null,
    '^extract$' => null,
    '^fdf_.*$' => null,
    '^fget.*$' => null,
    '^fread$' => null,
    '^fflush$' => null,
    '^get_browser$' => null,
    '^get_headers$' => null,
    '^get_meta_tags$' => null,
    '^getallheaders$' => null,
    '^getenv$' => null,
    '^getopt$' => null,
    '^headers_list$' => null,
    '^hebrev$' => null,
    '^hebrevc$' => null,
    '^highlight_string$' => null,
    '^html_entity_decode$' => null,
    '^ibase_blob_import$' => null,
    '^id3_get_tag$' => null,
    '^import_request_variables$' => null,
    '^ircg_nickname_unescape$' => null,
    '^ldap_get_values$' => null,
    '^mb_decode_mimeheader$' => null,
    '^mb_parse_str$' => null,
    '^mcrypt_decrypt$' => null,
    '^mdecrypt_generic$' => null,
    '^msg_receive$' => null,
    '^ngettext$' => null,
    '^ob_get_contents$' => null,
    '^ob_get_flush$' => null,
    '^rawurldecode$' => null,
    '^shm_get_var$' => null,
    '^stripcslashes$' => null,
    '^stripslashes$' => null,
    '^token_get_all$' => null,
    '^unpack$' => null,
    '^convert_uudecode$' => null,
    '^iconv_mime_decode$' => null,
    '^iconv_mime_decode_headers$' => null,
    '^iconv_mime_encode$' => null,
    '^iconv_set_encoding$' => null,
    '^php_strip_whitespace$' => null,
    '^addcslashes$' => null,
    '^addslashes$' => null,
    '^escapeshellarg$' => null,
    '^escapeshellcmd$' => null,
    '^gettype$' => null,
    '^var_dump$' => null,
    '^tempnam$' => null,
    '^realpath$' => null,
    '^linkinfo$' => null,
    '^lstat$' => null,
    '^stat$' => null,
    '^lchgrp$' => null,
    '^lchown$' => null,
    '^show_source$' => null,
    '^is_executable$' => null,
    '^is_link$' => null,
    '^is_readable$' => null,
    '^is_writable$' => null,
    '^is_writeable$' => null,
    '^is_uploaded_file$' => null,
    '^glob$' => null,
    '^ssh2_.*$' => null,
    '^delete$' => null,
    '^file.*$' => null,

Include File

"%s" statement detected. File manipulations are discouraged.

… Statement is not a function, no parentheses are required.

… Passing urls is forbidden.

… Concatenating is forbidden.

… Variables inside are insecure.

public $urlPattern = '#(https?|ftp)://.*#i';

Language Construct

Incorrect usage of back quote string constant. Back quotes should be always inside strings.

Use of %s language construct is discouraged.

    return array(


Direct use of %s Superglobal detected.

public $superGlobalErrors = array(
public $superGlobalWarning = array(


Raw Query

Possible raw SQL statement %s detected

public $statements = array(
public $queryFunctions = array(

Slow Query

Possible slow SQL statement %s detected

Possible slow SQL method %s detected

public $adapterMethods = array(
public $rawStatements = array(
    'GROUP BY',



Possible executable regular expression in %s. Make sure that the pattern doesn\'t contain "e" modifier

public $functions = array(

String Concat

Use of + operator to concatenate two strings detected

String Position

Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of %s function

public $functions = array(

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Best Answer

Forbidden Function


The use of function file_exists() is forbidden


if (!file_exists($filePath)) {


$io = new Varien_Io_File();
if (!$io->fileExists($filePath)) {


$validatorNot = new Zend_Validate_File_NotExists($path);
if ($validatorNot->isValid($file)) {
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