Magento – Edit products from certain category


I need to change the category from a couple of products. The products I need to change are all from one category, but it's not possible to sort by category on catalog -> manage products, is it? On catalog -> manage categories it's possible to view all products from a certain category but you can't edit them, can you?


Best Answer

You can add category filter in manage products page to sort your product, you can do it manually just add one column category on product grid.

Here is a nice answer of adding category column in product grid

Just put below code in your Grid.php file

     $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('name');
$options = array();
foreach ($collection as $item){
    if($item->getId() != ''){
    $options[$item->getId()] = $item->getName();

            'header'   => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Categories'),
            'index'    => 'single_category_id',
            'width'    => '150px',
            'type' => 'options',
             'options'  => $options

Or else you can use free extension which are available to add extra grid in your manage product grid.

This will add extra category column in grid and you are able to sort your product according to category.