Magento – Edit shipping description in “checkout onepage review”


I want to edit the shipping label in my review order (last step before user confirm the order)

I want in


and in the files in


but I dont know where i can edit this.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I've found the phtml that prints this text

This is the origin file:


I've copied this file in to my theme like this:


Now we can edit this lines:

<td style="<?php echo $this->getStyle() ?>" class="a-right" colspan="<?php echo $this->getColspan(); ?>">
    <?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getTotal()->getTitle()) ?>

And write what we want:

<td style="<?php echo $this->getStyle() ?>" class="a-right" colspan="<?php echo $this->getColspan(); ?>">
    ***** MY CUSTOM TEXT HERE *****

Hope this helps someone

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