Magento EE 1.13.1 – URL Rewrites Not Working and Indexing Issues


This is a clean install of EE 1.13.1 not an upgraded site.

I am facing this issue with a group of skus in my catalog…**url-key**/category/293/

I have checked the rewrite tables for this and there are no rewrites for it. It is as if it is keeping that url, and will not index it to a clean url.

Secondly there are products like this:

(same product, both urls work)
This once again has a valid URL key that is not a duplicate, and yet can not index. Why?

Best Answer

Try to reindex your URL rewrites. You are able to do it using shell in Magento EE 13+

cd [magento_root]/shell
php indexer.php --reindex catalog_url

If it didn't help:
Try to open some of the products in admin panel for editing and try to save it. Then, try to check the product's URL in the rewrite tables once again. Maybe the reason is the products were imported incorrectly somehow. If that way is solving your issue : You can make a script - just get products collection and save each product without making changes

$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
foreach ($products as $_product) {

Also, you can add a try..catch structure in case if you have a problem with the product's saving.

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