Email Campaigns and Newsletters with Store Products


I'm trying to find the best method to send out a weekly newsletter / email campaign that includes about a dozen selected products.

I've read several different methods that integrate with 3rd party websites, however I'm a little hesitant to go this route and would prefer to achieve this using the default newsletter feature.

What is the recommended method to include products on the newsletter for an email marketing campaign?

Best Answer

If you are simply wanting to add a link to the product into the newsletter then you can add a new newsletter template, then insert into this template using the cms widget "Catalog Product Link" you can add a link to a product. This is the same as adding a link to a product via a cms page or block.

If you are looking at sending a product list then I would suggest looking into how the widget "Catalog New Products List" works. You could extend this to take a list of product ids that need to be included in your list.

A nice example is the block Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List_Random here is just makes a list of products randomly but you could add a products ids attribute and then create your own _getProductCollection

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