Magento – Email newsletter does not load css


I have a problem with newsletter css. I created a new template and added the css in the box below the template Template Styles. I also addes two widges in my template. when i preview newsletter is fine but when i sen it for test as email it does not load any of the css just the html.

Any suggestion what have i done wrong ?
thanks in advance

Best Answer

Some e-mail clients don't support all CSS, especially background graphics. That's a common mistake I see people make.

Also be sure to NOT add <style> tags around your css in the Template Styles section.


Template Content

<div class="testtitle">This is a 28px title</div>

<div class="test">This is a section of red text.  Both of these are pulling from the "Template Styles" below.</div>

Template Styles

.test {color:#ff0000;}

.testtitle { font-size:28px; }

Here is the result:

enter image description here