Magento 2 – Email Sending as System Hostname Issue


I'm running Magento CE 2.2.4.

When the system sends any emails, they send as the webserver's hostname. I'm not sure where/what handles sending emails, but it seems its missing the from address.

I have contacts setup under Store Email Addresses, but they seem to be ignored.

Any help would be massively appreciated.

Best Answer

Sales emails are sent from a strange email #15458

I am using magento 2.2.4 on go daddy VPS.I have configured the store email addresses properly and also select in sales->sales emails. Whenever an order is placed customer recieves order confirmation mail in spam folder which is due to strange email send address(Email From). I am not using any custom SMTP extension this is a fresh magento installed

Possible fix:

#14952 Confirmation emails have no FROM or FROM email address 2.2.4 #15119

Confirmation emails have no FROM or FROM email address 2.2.4 #14952