Magento – Embed images in transactional emails (only the store logo!)


Recently we started upgrading our transactional email templates: making it somewhat responsive, work on all devices and more snappy.

For example when you receive an order confirmation, what do you really need to know? Why copy all the order info ot the order you just placed? So we just said: order confirmed, see attachment via

Then we realized that the store logo (almost the only unique bit in a multistore environment) is attached and often doesn't show directly in gmail.

Ths gives us 3 options:
option 1: dont show the image at all, just show the store name (they have seen your logo before)
option 2: embed the store logo inline.
option 3: don't bother, leave as is

Now my question is related to option 2: have you come across some extension that ONLY embeds/inlines* the store logo? I understand there are some extension to inline all images.

And in addition: Is there a place where all the optimized and secret email templates for Magento reside?

Many thanks

Some links:
and an extension from mageex (cannot find)

Best Answer

There is a good extension which embeds images directly in the email:

I tested it in Magento 1.7 and it works well. It is unit tested. However, it rewrites some Magento email model, so it might not work with other extensions changing email bevavior (but you could integrate this, since it is open source).

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