Magento – Empty addresses in order when using Paypal Express


We try to enable the Paypal Express Checkout in EE v1.14.1.0.

However, the shipping and billing addresses are empty when we return from Paypal.
Because of this, we also run into the error on the paypal/express/review/ page that the order can't be created because we need to select a shipping method.

I checked the payment_paypal_express.log file for the response sent back to Magento from Paypal, the address data is actually filled in this response, but somehow lost when trying to create the actual order in Magento:

        [FIRSTNAME] => Test
        [LASTNAME] => User
        [COUNTRYCODE] => GB
        [SHIPTONAME] => Test User
        [SHIPTOSTREET] => 1 Main Terrace
        [SHIPTOCITY] => Wolverhampton
        [SHIPTOSTATE] => West Midlands
        [SHIPTOZIP] => W12 4LQ
        [SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME] => United Kingdom
        [ADDRESSSTATUS] => Confirmed

We run the Express checkout in sandbox mode, so the payment is verified and all.

What can be the cause of this?

Best Answer

your symptoms are slightly different, but please consider the response we received from Paypal,

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