Magento 2 – Fix Error After Migration: Unable to Load Theme by Specified Key


the migration with data-migration-tool from older Magento to Magento 2.0.4 is completed.

But after migration I get the error in frontend:

Unable to load theme by specified key: 'themename'

This is a very strange error because the theme 'themename' doesn't exist.

The database table theme doesn't show this mysterious theme. The same in adminarea Content -> Themes. And I choose another theme in Configuration -> General -> Design. And the theme doesn't exist in app/design folder.

So from where is this theme coming? Perhaps a theme from older Magento I migrated? If so…how can I delete this old theme and solve this error?

I deleted the caches and var folder, generated the static files, compiled di.xml, set permissions. Nothing helps.

Additional adminarea doesn't load any css.

Best Answer

Thanks for your help.

I found 'themename' in database table design_change and delete the table content.

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