Fix Error: Email Template Not Defined in Magento 2.1


When creating a custom email header for a email template it gives an error in the email's body.

Error filtering template: Email template '' is not defined

I have placed in the header using this convention in the email template body (which is just overridden in the theme email)

{{template config_path="design/email/design_email_header_changed_template"}}

I have put the template id into email_templates.xml inside the main module (I know it's bad practice, but for now, please humour me till I fix the main issue)

It is as if it doesn't find it's name for whatever reason or something? It is literally two ' in a row with no name. I did at the time have a – in the label in the section below. It might not have liked that?

<template id="design_email_header_changed_template" label="Header Changed" file="changed_header.html" type="html" module="Magento_Email" area="frontend"/>

I have put the template header in the module under the frontend folder on the root as well as the theme folder (again, I know bad practice, but I'm just trying to figure out what is going on).

I have also updated the config.xml to include the header template:


I am unsure of what I am doing wrong for the system to not retrieve the html file to spit out the template or, rather find the template.


Best Answer

I couldn't fix the main issue, so this is what I did.

I made the "header" kind of extend to the email body. For example, order_email.html and added a CMS block call to there (I know, right!). Within the main admin area, I created a new CMS block and pasted the image (in my case) there. I made sure to name the block so I would be able to call it in the email.

In certain emails where I wanted the CMS block to show, I did this (Magento_Sales/email/order_new.html) - in a template (var/www/magento2/..../app/design/frontend/theme_name/Magento_Sales/email/order_new.html)- as an example:

{{block class="Magento\Cms\Block\Block" area='frontend' block_id="thank_you"}}

Hope this helps someone! :)

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