Magento CSV Import – Fix Illegal Character Error in Input String


I'm recently having an issue importing a csv file of new products (system>import/export>import). I select entity type: Products, Import Behavior: Append Complex Data, then I add my csv file.

After checking the data, I get the following error:
Notice: iconv_strlen() [function.iconv-strlen]: Detected an illegal character in input string in /home/MYDOMAIN/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Helper/String.php on line 86

When looking at this line, it shows the following:

public function strlen($string)
        return iconv_strlen($string, self::ICONV_CHARSET);

I've triple checked my csv file for characters that could potentially set off an error, but I'm struggling to find anything.

Best Answer

Open your CSV file in Open Office where you have control over the save options. Now save the file specifying UTF-8 and making sure you have the correct field breaks (, or \t).

Read the file now and there should not be any character set problems.

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