Magento – Error installing Magento 2 with sample data (max_execution_time is 18000)


The installation reaches 90% before the error below. If I click retry, it comes back with the same error after 2mins 41secs.

at 90%

Other info:

  • I am using the file uploaded to my server and then extracted and run via

  • My host said sql max_allowed_packet is set to 256M (edit: I have confirmed this via SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_allowed_packet';)

  • There is nothing in the php error log

  • PHP version 5.5.32

  • user.ini file has the following settings:

    memory_limit=256M & max_execution_time=18000

  • I've also tried deleting the whole installation and database and starting from scratch

Best Answer

Improve the limits in your .htaccess, if you are using Apache.

php_value memory_limit 2768M
php_value max_execution_time 218000
php_value max_allowed_packet 500M
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