Magento – Error installing Magento: Error parsing body – doesn’t seem to be a chunked message


I am trying to install Magento and I am getting this error:

The URL "" is not accessible.
Error parsing body - doesn't seem to be a chunked message

Weird because I am on that page…

I am getting this error when I am on the page: "Configuration".

Here is the options I selected:

  • Enable Charts
  • Use Web Server (Apache) Rewrites
  • Use Secure URLs (SSL)
  • Run admin interface with SSL

Here are the options I did not select:

  • Skip Base URL Validation Before the Next Step
  • Skip Secure URL validation before next step

I have a Ubuntu server with NGiNX server. I am using the most recent version of Magento community.

What is causing the problem and how can I solve it?

Best Answer

I can't tell you what causes the problem you have because it seems to be quite localised. But here is the way to debug it.

The first line of your message leads us to Mage_Install_Model_Installer_Config::_checkUrl method. It sends request which is handled by Mage_Install_WizardController class.

Then the response body is checked in Zend_Http_Response::getBody if header contains transfer-encoding string and if it is chunked. If so Zend_Http_Response::decodeChunkedBody is called and if

! preg_match("/^([\da-fA-F]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/sm", $body, $m)

The second line of your error is thrown.

So the first thing is to find out why do you have transfer-encoding=chunked and the second is why Mage_Install_Model_Installer_Config::_checkUrl is called at all as you said you disabled base url checks(s!).


Of course the easiest workaround would be to comment out the contents of Mage_Install_Model_Installer_Config::_checkUrl except return statement. Then you will be able to see if there will be more problems.