Estimate Shipping Country Only in Magento 1.9 – How to Configure


Just wondering if it is possible to change the 'Estimate Shipping and Tax' function in the cart to only show the Country. We plan on doing flat rate shipping based on countries, so for the estimate function, so we only need the Country drop down..

In the latest Magento version (1.9.x) is there a quick and easy way to disable/remove the 'State/Province' and 'Zip/Postal Code' options in the Shipping Estimator?

I can't disable them completely however as they are needed in the customer details when purchases are actually made…

Anyone got any idea's that might point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

The simplest option is probably to copy app/design/frontend/base/checkout/cart/shipping.phtml to your own theme and simply comment them out the 2 fields.