Magento 2 Configuration – Expanded Configuration Groups


We used to have the expanded element in the group options when setting the system.xml file, e.g.


but it's no longer there in the new structure in Magento 2, I checked system_file.xsd and couldn't find it. Is there an alternative in Magento 2 to have all the groups expanded by default.

Best Answer

You can use <attribute type="expanded">1</attribute>


<section id="helloworld" translate="label" sortOrder="130" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
    <label>Hello World</label>
    <group id="general" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0" showInStore="0">
        <label>General Configuration</label>
        <attribute type="expanded">1</attribute>
        <field id="enable" translate="label" type="select" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0" showInStore="0">
            <label>Module Enable</label>
        <field id="display_text" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0" showInStore="0">
            <label>Display Text</label>
            <comment>This text will display on the frontend.</comment>
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