Magento – Export CSV file from order grid


I wanna export CSV from sales -> orders grid with only selected lines and not all commands like with the default button.

If there's a solution for that ?

Thank you for advance

Best Answer

So what happens when the order csv is run is the following.

  1. The action Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_OrderController::exportCsvAction is called,
  2. This creates a grid block with $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/sales_order_grid');,
  3. This grid is then used to fill the csv in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid::_exportIterateCollection

What you could do is rewrite the admin controller or make your own controller and then use this in the admin section. Then instead of simply getting a complete sales order grid you can build the grid with the correct collection including the filters selected by the user.

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