Magento – Extending a community extension not picking up the class


So I am trying to override an extension that we installed from MagentoConnect. Its just a tiny little nuance but its important to our plans. So this is what I have so far.


class Blizzardlabs_Affiliateplusext_Block_Affiliateplusext extends Magestore_Affiliatepluscoupon_Block_Affiliatepluscoupon {

  public function getListProgram() {die();
    $listProgram = array();
    if (floatval($this->_getConfigHelper()->getGeneralConfig('discount')) >= 0) {
      $listProgram['default'] = new Varien_Object(array(
          'name' => $this->__('Affiliate Program'),
          'commission_type' => $this->_getConfigHelper()->getGeneralConfig('commission_type'),
          'commission' => $this->_getConfigHelper()->getGeneralConfig('commission'),
          'discount_type' => $this->_getConfigHelper()->getGeneralConfig('discount_type'),
          'discount' => $this->_getConfigHelper()->getGeneralConfig('discount'),
          'coupon_code' => $this->getAccount()->getCouponCode()
    if ($this->isMultiProgram()) {
      $collection = Mage::getResourceModel('affiliateplusprogram/program_collection')
      $programCoupons = Mage::registry('program_coupon_codes');
      foreach ($collection as $item) {
        if ($item->getStatus() && isset($programCoupons[$item->getId()])) {
          $listProgram[$item->getId()] = $item;
    return $listProgram;


Here is my configuration



Here is my module declaration:


              <Magestore_Affiliatepluscoupon />

So, I am calling a on the original module in the module declaration. I THINK im overwriting it correctly in my config and im also extending the original class in my class. Yet it refuses to pick it up. I have a feeling my issue is in my configuration. I think I am overriding it wrong there but I am not sure how. This is my first time so I apologize if its glaringly obvious.

Best Answer

So the answer was pretty simple. In config.xml my code needed to be like this:


I was going off of a helper call ('affiliatecouponplus/coupon') when this is a block. When thinking about it logically this made sense. I changed this and it is working fine now. I will add this as the answer when I can.