Magento 1.7 – Extending Cart Controller for Specific Actions


I am trying to extend /checkout/cart/. I added "dumbAction" to test ensure the extension worked and /checkout/cart/dumb does work. However, when I access /checkout/cart I do not see any changes.


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    require_once 'Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php';

    class AimlessMedia_CheckoutActions_CartController extends Mage_Checkout_CartController
    /* the only reason this is extending the cart controller
     * is because I copied AimlessMedia_CheckoutDiscountOption and it
     * easier to just ride out the already programmed code
     */ {
         * Initialize coupon
        public function dumbAction() {
            echo 'test indexAction';
        public function indexAction() {
            echo ('test indexAction');




<!-- the following allows our admin tab to link to a page and not return a 404 error -->
                                        <title>Shows Upsell Popup at Checkout</title>


Modified Config.xml to:

                    <CheckoutActions before="Mage_Checkout">AimlessMedia_CheckoutActions</CheckoutActions>

Best Answer

before="Mage_Checkout" tags missing

                            <customcontacts before="Mage_Checkout">AimlessMedia_CheckoutActions</customcontacts>

try this a

see more details:

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