Magento – Extending Magento REST Api with a custom module fails on route


Running Magento V1.9 with Rest API

I can extract data using the REST api, but I need to exctract a list of categories and might even have the ability to add a new category through the API.

I have tried creating an module inside local and community folders, but I have this response returned.

exception 'Mage_Api2_Exception' with message 'Request does not match any route.'

QUESTION: Could it be caused by an error in my folder structure?

Inside api2.xml i think, theres must be a match between the route section and my call the API.

CALL: magentohosturl/api/rest/restapi/categories

Route section from api2.xml


Question: Is there something I might have overlooked that effects the route?

Full api2.xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <catalog translate="title" module="RestApi_Categories">
            <title>Category Rest API extension</title>
        <categories translate="title" module="RestApi_Categories">
            <title>Categories retrieval</title>
              <!--  <create>1</create>
                    <delete>1</delete>  --> 
            <attributes translate="entity_id name parent_id child_id is_active level position" module="RestApi_Categories">
                <entity_id>Category ID</entity_id>
                <parent_id>Category Parent ID</parent_id>
                <child_id>Category Child List</child_id>

QUESTION: How do I check wether the file is loaded or not?

Filepath: \app\code\community\RestApi\Categories\etc

Followed this guide to enable developer debug mode.

Routes from Api2 files is loaded here in function getRoutes($apiType):

Exception log contains an error message if my api2.xml is manpulated to fail.

Errors message is also present in returned answer from Magento API, so I can confirm my api2.xml is loaded and validates, but the contained routes inside, must be wrong.

Since I've found the routes function I should be able to debug what happens.

Best Answer

Route must look like this rest/api/categories and not just /categories

Now it's resources that fails, so I will provide a full copy, if I get there :)

Thanks Marius for input