Magento – Fix Fatal Error: Call to isVirtual() on null in Quote.php


I am trying to create an order programatically. This is my code so far:


// Init magento base class
require_once 'app/Mage.php';

// Dummy data source
$settings   = array
    'WebsiteId' => 2,
    'StoreId' => 4,
    'ShippingMethod' => 'icw_shipping',
    'PaymentMethod' => 'icw_payment'
$jsonOrderData = '{"DiscountAmount":0, "DiscountReason":"", "STPointsUsed": 0, "STPointsEarned": 0,"CustomerId":17557,"SendConfirmation":true,"BasketData":[{"ProductId":18844,"Price":8.88,"Qty":1}],"ShippingMethod":"Flat Rate","DeliveryDate":"21/01/2016","SalesRep":"latheesan","PaymentMethod":"PayPal Here","PPHPaymentType":"CreditCard","PPHInvoiceId":"INV2-AHWG-SQHP-QMLT-1234","PPHTxId":"111-22-3333","ShippingAmount":15}';

// Test
echo '<pre>';
    // Init
    $orderCreator = new Ordercreator(

    // Create order

    // Clean-up
    $orderCreator = null;
catch (Exception $ex)
    echo 'Failed to create order: '. $ex->getMessage() .' @ '. basename($ex->getFile()) .':'. $ex->getLine();
echo '</pre>';
// Test

 * Helper class
class Ordercreator
    // Class properties
    private $_settings        = array();
    private $_orderData       = array();
    private $_customer        = null;
    private $_quote           = null;
    private $_salesOrder      = null;

    // Class constructor
    function __construct(array $settings, string $jsonOrderData)
        // Remember settings
        $this->_settings = $settings;

        // Parse sales order data

        // Load order sales order customer

        // Initialise a new sales order quote

    // Main method to initialise the order creation process
    function create()
        // Add order lines to sales order quote

        // Set shipping & payment method on quote

        // Import additional payment data
                'method'          => $this->_settings['PaymentMethod'],
                'additional_data' => $this->_orderData->PaymentMethod 

        // Save quote and convert it to a real sales order
        $service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);
        $this->_salesOrder = $service->getOrder();

        // Update custom sales order attributes

        // Parse result data
        $resultData = $this->_salesOrder->getData();

        // Clean-up
        $service                = null;
        $this->_settings        = null;
        $this->_orderData       = null;
        $this->_customer        = null;
        $this->_quote           = null;
        $this->_salesOrder      = null;

        // Success
        return $resultData;

    // Method to parse sales order data
    protected function parseSalesOrderData($jsonOrderData)
        $this->_orderData = @json_decode($jsonOrderData);
        if (!$this->_orderData)
            throw new Exception('Invalid order data');

    // Method to load order customer
    protected function loadSalesOrderCustomer()
        $this->_customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');
        if (!$this->_customer->getId())
            throw new Exception('Invalid customer id '. $this->_orderData->CustomerId);

    // Method to initialise a new sales order quote
    protected function initSalesOrderQuote()
        // Create a new quote
        $this->_quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote');

        // Validate customer's default address data
        if (!$this->_customer->getPrimaryBillingAddress())
            throw new Exception('Customer does not have a default billing address');
        if (!$this->_customer->getPrimaryShippingAddress())
            throw new Exception('Customer does not have a default shipping address');

        // Assign customer to the new quote

        // Set quote's billing & shipping address

    // Method to add order lines to sales order quote
    protected function addOrderLinesToQuote()
        // Validate basket data
        if (!sizeof($this->_orderData->BasketData))
            throw new Exception('Basket data is empty');

        // Add basket data to sales order quote
        foreach ($this->_orderData->BasketData as $orderLine)
            // Load product
            $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
            if (!$product || !$product->getId())
                throw new Exception('Product with id #'. $orderLine->ProductId .' does not exists');

            // Add product to sales order quote
            $this->_quote->addProduct($product, new Varien_Object(array(
                'price' => $orderLine->Price,
                'qty' => $orderLine->Qty

    // Method to update sales order attributes
    protected function updateSalesOrderAttributes()

When I execute the above, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function isVirtual() on null in /home/www-data/ on line 292

Any ideas what this is about?

Best Answer


$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $quote);


$service = Mage::getModel('sales/service_quote', $this->_quote);

in the Ordercreator::create method.
the problem is that $quote is not defined anywhere.

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