Fatal Error: Call to a Member Function setOrder() in Magento – Fix Guide


I have few problems when try make a plugin.

This is my code:


class Uniagro_Tpv_Block_Mibloque extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
    public function methodblock()
        //return "informations about my block !!" ;
        //on initialize la variable
        /* we are doing the query to select all elements of the pfay_test table (thanks to our model test/test and we sort them by id_pfay_test */
     $collection = Mage::getModel('tpv/tpv')->getCollection()->setOrder('id','asc');
         /* then, we check the result of the query and with the function getData() */
        foreach($collection as $data)
             $retour .= $data->getData('banco').' '.$data->getData('codigotienda')
                     .' '.$data->getData('url').'<br />';
         //i return a success message to the user thanks to the Session.
         Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addSuccess('Cool Ca marche !!');
         return $retour;      

** config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                 <frontName>pasarela</frontName> <!-- sirve a modo de ruta del modulo [...]/index y va al modulo -->
            <!-- connection to write -->
            <!-- connection to read -->

** model/Tpv.php

class Uniagro_Tpv_Model_Tpv extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
     public function _construct()

** model/Mysql4/Tpv.php

class Uniagro_Tpv_Mysql4_Tpv extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract
    public function _construct()
        $this->_init('tpv/tpv', 'id');

I'm try some solutions (for example this [fatal error: Call to a member function getCollection() on a non-object in magento

[1]: fatal error: Call to a member function getCollection() on a non-object in magento ) but always send my the same error "Fatal error: Call to a member function setOrder()"

And i review my bd and have the column to order ('id')

Best Answer

Add model collection class and try

class Uniagro_Tpv_Mysql4_Tpv_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract{
    public function _construct(){

Edit (As result of the comments):

The Problem was the wrong named/placed class Uniagro_Tpv_Mysql4_Tpv which belongs into the Model area so it has to be Uniagro_Tpv_Model_Mysql4_Tpv

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