Magento – fatal error : call to a member function toHtml() on boolean

ajaxfatal errormagento-1.9

fatal error : call to a member function toHtml() on boolean in
on line 140

Here is my code :

class Foo_Bar_Adminhtml_BazController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()
    // Let's call our initAction method which will set some basic params for each action

public function newAction()
    // We just forward the new action to a blank edit form

public function editAction()

    // Get id if available
    $id  = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    $model = Mage::getModel('foo_bar/baz');

    if ($id) {
        // Load record

        // Check if record is loaded
        if (!$model->getId()) {
            Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addError($this->__('This baz no longer exists.'));


    $this->_title($model->getId() ? $model->getName() : $this->__('New Employee'));

    $data = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->getBazData(true);
    if (!empty($data)) {

        /*if (is_array($data['expertise'])) {
            $data['expertise'] = implode(',', $data['expertise']);


    Mage::register('foo_bar', $model);

        ->_addBreadcrumb($id ? $this->__('Edit Employee') : $this->__('New Employee'), $id ? $this->__('Edit Employee') : $this->__('New Employee'))
        ->_addContent($this->getLayout()->createBlock('foo_bar/adminhtml_baz_edit')->setData('action', $this->getUrl('*/*/save')))

public function saveAction()
    if ($postData = $this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
        $model = Mage::getSingleton('foo_bar/baz');

        try {

            Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addSuccess($this->__('The baz has been saved.'));

        catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
        catch (Exception $e) {
            Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addError($this->__('An error occurred while saving this baz.'));


public function messageAction()
    $data = Mage::getModel('foo_bar/baz')->load($this->getRequest()->getParam('id'));
    echo $data->getContent();

 * Initialize action
 * Here, we set the breadcrumbs and the active menu
 * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
protected function _initAction()
        // Make the active menu match the menu config nodes (without 'children' inbetween)
        ->_addBreadcrumb($this->__('System'), $this->__('System'))
        ->_addBreadcrumb($this->__('Employee'), $this->__('Employee'));

    return $this;

 public function massDeleteAction()
        $taxIds = $this->getRequest()->getParam('tax_id');      // $this->getMassactionBlock()->setFormFieldName('tax_id'); from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Tax_Rate_Grid
        if(!is_array($taxIds)) {
        Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addError(Mage::helper('tax')->__('Please select tax(es).'));
        } else {
        try {
        $rateModel = Mage::getModel('tax/calculation_rate');
        foreach ($taxIds as $taxId) {
        'Total of %d record(s) were deleted.', count($taxIds)
        } catch (Exception $e) {


 public function gridAction()

 * Check currently called action by permissions for current user
 * @return bool
protected function _isAllowed()
    return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('sales/foo_bar_baz');

here is config.xml file:


            <!-- This is where we define our helper directory -->

            <!-- Set a block definition and lookup directory -->

            <!-- This is where we define our model directory -->
            <!-- Define a resource to create a custom table -->

        <!-- Here's our resource model we'll use to create a database table -->
                <!-- Let's define our table, we'll call it with the baz name, but the real table is foo_bar_baz -->
                <!-- After we define our entity, we can call it with our model by calling foo_bar/baz -->

    <!-- And finally we define our resource setup script -->

                <!-- This is how we load our Adminhtml controllers -->
                    <Foo_Bar before="Mage_Adminhtml">Foo_Bar_Adminhtml</Foo_Bar>

                We again keep a nice naming convention and make our module upgrade proof by placing it in a separate folder
                - Since we are in the adminhtml node, this will look for the XML file in the app/design/adminhtml/default/default root folder

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your problem is here:

public function gridAction()

'foo_bar/adminhtml_foo_grid' here

  1. foo_bar is your confix.xml block name
  2. adminhtml_foo_grid is the path of your Grid.php that means Vendor/Module/Block/Adminhtml/Foo/Grid.php
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