Magento 1.7 – Fix Fatal Error: Class ‘Mage_Rms_Helper_Data’ Not Found


I realize there are questions just like this one, but none of the answers apply to me so far.

I am building a custom module that works, except the helper class won't load. I'm calling it with Mage::helper('rms') and I get

Fatal error: Class 'NewHope_Rms_Helper_Data' not found in C:\wamp\www\app\Mage.php on line 546

Here's my module config. The observer correctly get triggered after a user successfully registers:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




class NewHope_Rms_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract



class NewHope_RmsUpdate_Model_Observer
    public function import_new_customer_to_rms(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $customer = $observer->getCustomer();

        //Fatal Error shows up here, when I try to load the rms helper!
        $rms_updated = !!Mage::helper('rms')->CreateRmsUser($customer);

            sprintf('%s (%s) registered. RMS Update: %s',
                $rms_updated ? 'Successful' : 'Failed'),

I have these clues:

  1. I experimented with changing the config.xml <rms> tag to something arbitrary that I knew was wrong, and the error still remained identical.
  2. In between every attempt I manually deleted the var/cache folder, so even though the above points seem like a caching issue, I think they are not.
  3. Compilation is disabled already, that's not the issue.

Best Answer

You configured your helper class like this.


So when you request you helper class with Mage::helper('rms'), Magento will trace your module, since it defines the helper alias name rms and then pick class name associate with it. So in this case, Magento has NewHope_Rms_Helper. The next step magento checks, whether you requested in particular helper class name. For example, if you were requested a helper class like Mage::helper(rms/example), then magento will append this example part to the class that already picked from your configuration and thus completes the class generation process(Here the class would be NewHope_Rms_Helper_Example). However if we didn't specify any specific helper name, then by default, Magento assumes this class name as Data. So in your case, Magento forms final helper class as NewHope_Rms_Helper_Data.

The name of the class is an indication to the location where that class should be defined. That means Magento will now look for your helper in app/code/local/NewHope/Rms/Helper/Data.php. If it is not present there, it will look in app/code/community/NewHope/Rms/Helper/Data.php. Then again in app/code/core directory and then again in lib directory. In your case, Magento can't find the helper class. So as a result it will throw an error.(Note location generated is NewHope\Rms and not NewHope\RmsUpdate).

So the configuration that you need here is


So this will generate a class NewHope_RmsUpdate_Helper_Data and thus first it will look in the location app/code/local/NewHope/RmsUpdate/Helper/Data.php. The file content should look like this.

class NewHope_RmsUpdate_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract

Hope that will give you an idea on what is really happens in the backside