Magento 1.9 – Fix Fatal Error: Class ‘Magentothem_Installtemplate_Helper_Data’ Not Found


i have a problem with magento, when i try enter to admin panel it shows the next error:

Fatal error: Class 'Magentothem_Installtemplate_Helper_Data' not found in Mage.php on line 547

and i cant acces to admin panel!, please i hope can help me! here my codes!


   <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <magentothem module="installtemplate">
                    <items module="installtemplate">
                        <title>Install Template</title>
                    <title>Allow Everything</title>
                            <title>Installtemplate Module</title>


class Magentothem_Installtemplate_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract

   public function getContentFromXmlFile($xmlPath = NULL, $node= NULL) {
        $data = new Varien_Simplexml_Config($xmlPath);
        $statickBlockData = array();
        foreach ($data->getNode($node) as $key => $node) {
            foreach ($node as $child) {
                $array = (array) $child;
                $content = (string) $array['content'];
                $array['content'] = $content;
                $statickBlockData[] = array_unique($array);
        if ($statickBlockData)
            return $statickBlockData;
        return array();

   public function getStaticBlockData() {
        $xmlPath = Mage::getBaseDir('code') . '/local/Magentothem/Installtemplate/Block/Xml/data_static_blocks.xml';
        $statickBlockData = $this->getContentFromXmlFile($xmlPath, 'blocks');
        if ($statickBlockData)
            return $statickBlockData;
        return array();

    public function getCmsPageData() {

        $xmlPath = Mage::getBaseDir('code') . '/local/Magentothem/Installtemplate/Block/Xml/data_resources.xml';
        $statickBlockData = $this->getContentFromXmlFile($xmlPath, 'resources');
        if ($statickBlockData)
            return $statickBlockData;
        return array();


    public function haveBlockBefore($identifier = NULL) {
        //$stores = implode(',', $stores);
        $exist = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->getCollection()
                ->addFieldToFilter('identifier', array('eq' => $identifier))
        if (count($exist))
            return true;
        return false;

    public function haveBlockPageBefore($identifier = NULL) {
        //$stores = implode(',', $stores);
        $exist = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->getCollection()
                ->addFieldToFilter('identifier', array('eq' => $identifier))
        if (count($exist))
            return true;
        return false;

    public function getNodeDataFromBlock($node = 'identifier', $blocks = array()) {

        $array_identifier = array();
        foreach($blocks as $block) {
            $identifier = $block[$node];
            $array_identifier[] = $identifier;

            return $array_identifier;
        return array();


    public function getNodeDataFromStaticBlock() {
       if($this->getNodeDataFromBlock('identifier', $this->getStaticBlockData())) 
               return $this->getNodeDataFromBlock('identifier', $this->getStaticBlockData());
       return array();

      public function getNodeDataFromCmsPageBlock() {
       if($this->getNodeDataFromBlock('identifier', $this->getCmsPageData())) 
               return $this->getNodeDataFromBlock('identifier', $this->getCmsPageData());
       return array();

    public function getOldConfigData(){
        $oldConfig = array(
                0=> 'default',
                1=> 'home'
        return $oldConfig;

     public function getBannerData() {

        $xmlPath = Mage::getBaseDir('code') . '/local/Magentothem/Installtemplate/Block/Xml/banner7.xml';
        $statickBlockData = $this->getContentFromXmlFile($xmlPath, 'records');

        if ($statickBlockData)
            return $statickBlockData;
        return array();

    public function getBrandSliderData() {

        $xmlPath = Mage::getBaseDir('code') . '/local/Magentothem/Installtemplate/Block/Xml/brandslider.xml';
        $statickBlockData = $this->getContentFromXmlFile($xmlPath, 'records');

        if ($statickBlockData)
            return $statickBlockData;
        return array();

     public function getAllStore() {
        $stores = Mage::app()->getStores();
        $storeIds = array();
        $storeIds[]= 0;
        foreach ($stores as $_store) {

                $storeIds[] = $_store->getId();
        return $storeIds;


Best Answer

You state that in this file: app/code/local/Magentothem/Themeoptions/Helper/DATA.PHP your header looks like:

class Magentothem_Installtemplate_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract

This is a header to another extension, not Themeoptions.

It should look like this:

class Magentothem_Themeoptions_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract

From the original code provided which looked like: enter image description here

Looking into your functions, it appears you have more hardcoded ties to this "Installtemplate" extension. An example is here:

$xmlPath = Mage::getBaseDir('code') . '/local/Magentothem/Installtemplate/Block/Xml/data_resources.xml';

This extension appears to be a mashup of two extensions. I would attempt to contact whoever you purchased this extension from, and ask for the correct code. Otherwise, I would remove the extension from your codebase altogether.

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