Magento – Fatal error message

compilerfatal errormagento-1.9

I manage my website with magento but I tried to connect to my page and I have the following message ;

Fatal error: Class 'Mage_ConfigurableSwatches_Helper_Data' not found in /home/jmellman/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 547

It happened just after I try to upload files from an extension and I flushed the cache and enable compilation but when I refreshed the page I had the message.

How to fix the problem ?

Best Answer

It looks like your code is loading disabled module. So, when Magento didn't find proper module by module name it'll try to load Mage_Modulename_...

I'd suggest to disable compilation at first, clean up your cache and check this problem out.

If it's happened again try to disable module in your uploaded extension. Find file of your module:






And clean up Magento cache.

MAGEDIR - it means path to root of Magento on your server.

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