Magento – Fetch Values in Dropdown in Custom Admin Module


This is field i am using in Form.php

$fieldset->addField('item', 'select', array(
              'label'     => Mage::helper('frame')->__('Select Item'),
              'name'      => 'item',
              'values'    => Mage::getModel('frame')->toOptionArray(),

Here i wrote this function ..Block/Adminhtml/Frame.php

 public function toOptionArray()
       $r_connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read');

            /* Write Select query */
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM manage_item";

            /* Run query*/
            $item_data = $r_connection->fetchAll($sql);

        $itemarray = array(
                'label'=>'Please Select'
        foreach ($item_data as $itemList){
            $itemarray[] = array(
        return $itemarray;

I am getting internal server error here.any solution.

Best Answer

Mage::getModel('frame')->toOptionArray() is model class object but you have define the value at block class Block/Adminhtml/Frame so,it not works .

So you need to call function toOptionArray() using class of block class call


instead of

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