Magento 1.8 Permissions – File and Folder Permissions for Magento Setup


From the Magento wiki I found the file and folder permissions to be set to:

#for magento 1.5+
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
chmod o+w var var/.htaccess app/etc
chmod 550 mage
chmod -R o+w media


I'm trying to set the permissions using an ftp-client. The first two rows are pretty self explanatory, however

chmod o+w var var/.htaccess app/etc

Does this mean that I should apply write permissions to the "others" class, hence change the permissions to be 775 for the var folder and etc folder and the .htaccess file permissions to be 664?

Same thing applies to the last line of code.

Please note that I am aware that there is a similar thread, however the permissions suggest there does not compare to the ones suggested in the wiki, and I would like to follow the wiki.

Best Answer

The command chmod o+w will add writes for other. Since file permissions are user, group and other respectively, this will actually change the file permissions to be 646 and 757 respectively. In my opinion these are odd permissions for those particular files, but note that the wiki explicitly states if PHP is running as a module. Since the installer generates local.xml in the app/etc folder and possibly generates the .htaccess file (it's been that long since I've done a fresh install, I can't remember), the purpose behind this would therefore seemingly be for if the installer is running as a user that is neither the owner nor in the group for the files.