Magento – Filename of class Varien_Data_Collection_Filesystem getting renamed to Filesystem.php.suspected


We're getting the following error:

Magento Fatal error: Class' Varien_Data_Collection_Filesystem' not found

Checking the cause of the error, the Filesystem.php file is is renamed to Filesystem.php.suspected. Manually renaming it back to Filesystem.php fixes the issue but everyday we need to manually rename it since it is constantly being renamed back to Filesystem.php.suspected.

I've googled as to what causes the error but still no luck. I am quite sure that there is something that is renaming this file but don't know where to start since i'm fairly new to magento.

Magento ver.

Best Answer

As @7ochem pointed out, this looks like something a malware scanner would do, that either you or your hoster installed.

Please compare the renamed file to the original Magento file (you can download it from here: and see if there are any differences.

If not, the alert was a false positive, configure the malware scanner to ignore it, or ask your hoster to do so.

If yes, you have been hacked. Please read and take action immediately.