Magento2.3 Product Collection – Filter Product Collection with Source


I'm running on Magento 2.3 with MSI(Multi Source Inventory) setup.

I would like to filter product collection with specific source.
Like, I've 4 sources for products, source-1,source-2,source-3 and source-4.
Now I want to get list of SKU which are available in let say source-3.


SKU-1 has 50 qty and its qty divided into 4 sources like below,

source-1 --- 20
source-2 --- 10
source-3 --- 10
source-4 --- 10

What I tried, but it takes too much time to load 🙁

$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();

foreach($collection as $product){
    $sourceItems = $this->getSourceItemsBySku->execute($product->getSku());
    foreach($sourceItems as $sourceItem){
        if($sourceItem->getSourceCode() == 'source-3' && $sourceItem->getQuantity() > 0){
            $_product = $this->productRepository->get($sourceItem->getSku());
            echo "<br/>";


Any idea to optimize this code ? Any help would be really appreciated.

Best Answer

you no need to use Product collection for the purposes you mentioned. You can apply filtering on the level of SourceItemRepository (\Magento\InventoryApi\Api\SourceItemRepositoryInterface::getList)

In the search criteria which is passed as a parameter to the getList method you can specify filtering by SKU and/or Source Code.

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