Magento – Find product without images and Product images without lable


After lots of try finally I manage to import bulk of products in magento.

Now How I can do get SKU of product if:

  1. products without images.


  1. Images without lable.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The images are stored in the table catalog_product_entity_media_gallery. You can get all the products that have images like this:

SELECT DISTINCT(entity_id) from catalog_product_entity_media_gallery;

You can get the product ids without images like this:

SELECT entity_id from catalog_product_entity where entity_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(entity_id) from catalog_product_entity_media_gallery);

The labels of the images are stored in catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value. You can get the products with images without labels by checking the field label in that table.

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