Magento – Find the table for custom attribute values


I’ve installed magento edition version and added a custom attribute catalog_special_name (text field) and i want to know which table stores the custom attribute values for each product.

Best Answer

When you create a attribute for a product EAV comes in a picture. To get a value you need to know basics, which magento uses to store eav data.

For this following tables plays a important role.

  1. eav_attribute

    Whenever you create a attribute this table gets entry which stores all important data which helps to make a relation, like entity_type_id,attribute_code,backend_type and many more but this are the important fields.

  2. eav_entity_type

    Magento has 8 types of entity, by which, type of attribute is decided. in your case it is catalog_product

    1. customer
    2. customer_address
    3. catalog_category
    4. catalog_product
    5. order
    6. invoice
    7. creditmemo
    8. shipment

How we say it is catalog_product in your case ?

So the answer is as i said above when you create a new attribute their will be a entry in eav_attribute and if you check this entry their will be a column as entity_type_id whose value is 4 which is nothing but a catalog_product of eav_entity_type table.

eav_attribute table also has a column known as attribute_code which is nothing but a value of Attribute Code entered while making a new attribute from admin.

So as in your case we find it as a catalog_product we will look for all tables whose initial are from catalog_product you will get a table whose ending is like datetime,decimal,text,varchar,text,int etc.

catalog_product_entity is the primary table for product, our product id is nothing but a value of entity_id of this table.

How we get a desired table ?

in eav_attribute table their is a column backend_type by which we decide on which table we get a values. In your case it might be varchar. So we are going to look for a catalog_product_entity_varchar table. in this table we will search for a attribute_id and entity_id which is a product id and which we can see in admin grid and which is equal to entity_id of catalog_product_entity table.

Its time for a practical !!!

  • suppose your product id is 13
  • your attribute code is catalog_special_name

So in eav_attribute table we will search for a record whose attribute_code = catalog_special_name and we will get a useful information which is attribute_id,entity_type_id and backend_type.

lets say attribute_id = 138,entity_type_id = 4 and backend_type = varchar.

so as we got entity_type_id = 4 we will look in eav_entity_type table and confirm that our attribute is for catalog_product.

Then its time for catalog_product_entity_varchar table here we will search a record for whose attribute_id = 138 and entity_id = 13 which is our product id and that's it here you get a value.

Hope this helps you.

Their are still some more important table in it. For more details on EAV you can follow

and many more..

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