Magento – Finding Out Layout Handles Being Evaluated for a Page


I am working on a project where I want to display few links on left side of top bar at Home page, as shown below.

Top bar - Magento Home

To do this i created a new block with name very similar to Magento's block top.links and modified header template and added this block before currency block, very similar to as described in the post here.

but even though i have named this block differently i.e. when I logout Sign Up links gets added on both the blocks, top.links and

First place which I wanted to check was customer_logged_out handle in customer.xml, which looks completely OK to me and In fact, i could not find Sign Up link being added anywhere in Magento frontend layouts.

So, my question is, Is there any way to find out how Sign Up link is added in block? Also, what all layout handles are evaluated to render a page? Which will help me in checking on all those places.

Best Answer

try this
