Magento – FireGento_GermanSetup inline translation does not work


If I open the translation for "Incl. 7% Tax, plus Shipping Cost" it says:

Location:  Span element 
Scope:  FireGento_GermanSetup 
Shown:  19% 
Original:  %s%% 
Translated:  %s%% 
Store View Specific:  
Custom:  %s%%

How can I change the translation text?

Found the source file price_info.phtml

<span class="tax-details"><?php echo $this->__('Incl. %s Tax, plus <a href="%s">Shipping 
   Cost</a>', $this->getFormattedTaxRate(), $shippingCostUrl) ?></span>

This is the same problem, but the solution does not work for me or I can not make it work.

Best Answer

There are situations where the inline translation does not work, because Magento can not identify the correct source string when clicking the translation icon.

You can always do a manual translation.

First you have to identify in from which module the translation comes from. By enabling template-hints you could find out that your translation is printed in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/germansetup/price_info.phtml via $this->__() and $this is of the type FireGento_GermanSetup_Block_Catalog_Product_Price the module is FireGento_GermanSetup. (there could be rare cases where this is incorrect, if the helper overwrites the module)

If you have a look at app/locale/de_DE/FireGento_GermanSetup.csv, you find the translation line:

"Incl. %s Tax, excl. <a href=""%s"">Shipping Cost</a>","Inkl. %s MwSt., zzgl. <a href=""%s"">Versandkosten</a>"

Custom translations can be added to a translate.csv in your theme (example: /app/design/frontend/foo/bar/locale/de_DE/translate.csv) or into the database table core_translate.

I suppose you translate the whole application using inline translations, so the core_translate table would be the way to go.

No in the string column, you have to prefix the string with the module name and :: resulting in the following fields to fill (locale, store_id can be copied from your existing entries):

string: FireGento_GermanSetup::Incl. %s Tax, excl. <a href=""%s"">Shipping Cost</a> translate: My own text ... Inkl. %s MwSt., zzgl. <a href=""%s"">Versandkosten</a>

A line in the translate.csv would look like this:

"FireGento_GermanSetup::Incl. %s Tax, excl. <a href=""%s"">Shipping Cost</a>";My own text ... Inkl. %s MwSt., zzgl. <a href=""%s"">Versandkosten</a>"

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