Magento – Fixing extensions for SUPEE-6788


I have updated Magento to via Connect Manager in my dev environment and so far I can't say that I am noticing any bugs related to the various changes outlined here:

However, before updating my live store I want to be perfectly sure, that no issues exist and am therefore looking for the best approach to modify all extensions with the new requirements.

1) APPSEC-1034, addressing bypassing custom admin URL

I have about 10 extensions in use which are not under the admin url, doing a search via FileExpress for

custom_module after="Mage_Adminhtml"

within these extension yielded no results so I will have to modify all these extensions as described in the documentation.

2) APPSEC-1063, addressing possible SQL injection

Doing a search via FileExpress for


within all my extensions yielded a couple of results within the Ess M2E Pro extension, however an updated version has already been released which fixes this.

Doing a search via FileExpress for


within all my extensions yielded no results, so this shouldn't be a problem in my case.

3) APPSEC-1057, template processing method allows access to private information

Doing a search via FileExpress for

{{config path=

within all my extensions yielded no results.

Doing a search via FileExpress for

{{block type=

yielded a couple of results within the german locale pack. A few email templates will have to be modified.


All these blocks are core/template blocks so no modification should be required.

4) APPSEC-1079, addressing potential Exploit with Custom Option File Type

"This change will affect any customization that uses product custom options to save information as a PHP object. Such approach will no longer be possible."

I doubt this is the case with any of my extensions, but is there any way I can actually confirm this?

Best Answer

I would recommend using the tool from Paradox Labs. It scans your codebase for each of the issues listed in your question.

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