Magento 1.9 – Fix Footer Empty and Static Blocks Not Showing


Good morning,
it seems my footer content has disappeared and I don't know where to.
I want to put the newsletter module in there, but it completely vanished.
here's the code that I added temporarily which is supposed to make it show up.
It's not working. (I found that code off of Google, but most results seem to be 2009 or 2010)

{{block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="footer.newsletter" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml"}}

for the static block and

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="newsletter"}}

for the CMS page.
I've checked if the phtml and xml files have their necessary bits of code in them; subscribe.phtml is still "out-of-the-box", and once again, it is there

    <reference name="footer">
        <block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="footer.newsletter" as="newsletter" before="-" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml"/>

Can you help me figure out how to show the newsletter module (or static blocks in general) in the footer as it is supposed to be, please?
Much appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer

You can call newsletter at footer by using php code

    echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock("newsletter/subscribe")
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