Magento – Free shipping shopping cart rule and discount coupon


We need to be able to offer free shipping via shopping cart price rule to all orders above 100 dollars. We also need to be able to have a discount coupon that gives certain amount of discount on the whole order.

Now, the problem is that Magento gives free shipping even if the discount coupon reduces the order sum below the 100 dollar limit we have set. So now we give a free shipping orders below 100 dollars.

We also have to use the shopping cart price rule, because we have a shipping methods via extensions that integrate to carriers system. So we can't use the Magento's free shipping method. We also need to specify the shipping methods that can have a free shipping.

So is there any way we could get Magento to apply the discount before it calculates if the free shipping limit is reached?

Best Answer

Do you require a coupon code for the free shipping or do you give it to anyone with a cart over $100? If you don't want to require a code, I would recommend this setup:

Rule Information:

  • No Coupon Code
  • Priority 0


  • If all of these conditions are true (whatever country or state restrictions for free shipping)
  • If any of these conditions are true:
  • Subtotal equal or greater than 100.00
  • Subtotal is 0.00


  • Everything set to 0 or no except Free Shipping which you set to "For Matching Items Only"

I've had free shipping rules like this setup for some time and have not encountered any issues with their total (after coupons) going below the free shipping amount and still having the free shipping apply.


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