Magento – How to Get 5 Random Product IDs from Product Collection


I am looking to create a custom product collection using specific product attributes as filters. The product collection I am getting has well over 100 products in which is fine but I need to find a way of choosing 5 products at random from the collection and then load them to display on a page. Has anyone developed anything similar to this or know the best way of implementing this?

Best Answer

I found out that ORDER BY RAND() is very unperformant on a Magento collection because all data gets copied to a temp table, assigned a random number and then sorted without index. If we reduce the data to be copied to just the ID, it gets a lot faster (still not perfect because the slow sorting remains but OK for a small catalog like yours).

For this, I made a modified version of getAllIds():

$numberOfItems = 5;

// Step 1: Preselect ids using ORDER BY RAND()
// Filters are applied here
$productCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
$idsSelect = clone $productCollection->getSelect();
$idsSelect->columns('e.' . $productCollection->getEntity()->getIdFieldName());
$idsSelect->limit($numberOfItems, null);
$accessor = new ReflectionObject($productCollection);
$_bindParams = $accessor->getProperty('_bindParams');
$chosenIds = $productCollection->getConnection()
    ->fetchCol($idsSelect, $_bindParams->getValue($productCollection));

Then I could load the products by these random ids:

// Step 2: Load products
// Attributes and index data are joined here


Simpler alternative

An alternative that also works well on small catalogs (<10000 products) is to load all ids and select the random IDs with PHP:

$numberOfItems = 5;

$productCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$candidateIds = $productCollection->getAllIds();
$numberOfProducts = count($candidateIds);
$chosenIds = [];
while ($numberOfItems) {
    $randomKey = mt_rand(0, $numberOfProducts - 1);
    if (!isset($chosenIds[$randomKey])) {
        chosenIds[$randomKey] = $candidateIds[$randomKey];


You can read a more in depth analysis and see some benchmarks in my blog: