Magento – get all country names with their state and region code


Here is my Magento code:

private function getAllCountry() {


    $countryName = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->load('FR')->getName(); //get country name

    echo 'Country Name ->'.$countryName.'<br/>';

    $states = Mage::getModel('directory/country')->load('FR')->getRegions();//state names

    foreach ($states as $state)
        echo 'ID->'.$state->getId().'<br/>';
        echo 'Name->'.$state->getName().'<br/>';


I want to get the list of all country names with their states and region id in an array.

Best Answer

Note that although these answers might work, they're not the proper Magento Way™ to do this. The right path to choose is to use Service Contract.

The Directory module comes with a very handy Service Contract called the "CountryInformationAcquirerInterface". You can find it at Magento\Directory\Api\CountryInformationAcquirerInterface. This has a very handy function called getCountriesInfo(), which returns an array of CountryInformation data models, which - in their turn - have a method called getAvailableRegions(). So the full example would look something like this:

 * @var \Magento\Directory\Api\CountryInformationAcquirerInterface
protected $countryInformationAcquirer;

 * Constructor call.
 * @param \Magento\Directory\Api\CountryInformationAcquirerInterface $countryInformationAcquirer
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Directory\Api\CountryInformationAcquirerInterface $countryInformationAcquirer
) {
    $this->countryInformationAcquirer = $countryInformationAcquirer;

 * Just a simple example
 * @return array
public function example()
    $data = [];

    $countries = $this->countryInformationAcquirer->getCountriesInfo();

    foreach ($countries as $country) {
        // Get regions for this country:
        $regions = [];

        if ($availableRegions = $country->getAvailableRegions()) {
            foreach ($availableRegions as $region) {
                $regions[] = [
                    'id'   => $region->getId(),
                    'code' => $region->getCode(),
                    'name' => $region->getName()

        // Add to data:
        $data[] = [
            'value'   => $country->getTwoLetterAbbreviation(),
            'label'   => __($country->getFullNameLocale()),
            'regions' => $regions

    return $data;

With most tasks in Magento 2, the best approach is to check first if there's a Service Contract that might fit your needs. Because most of the time, there is.