Magento – Get all updated cart items data with options in AJAX response


My Cart is looking like this with popup window:

enter image description here

I am updating multiple configurable items in cart with custom options at a time by AJAX Call. So i am using updateItemOptionsAction() function.

But I am not able to get all items data back to AJAX response.

I am getting just 1st itemPrice and rowTotal. For remaining items itemPrice and rowTotal are set to 0.


public function updateItemOptionsAction()
    $cartData = $this->getRequest()->getParam('cart');
    if (is_array($cartData)) {
        $result = array();
        $result['data'] = array();
        foreach ($cartData as $index => $data) {
            $cart   = $this->_getCart();
            $params = $data;
            $id = (int)$data['id'];

            if (!isset($params['options'])) {
                $params['options'] = array();
            $result['data'][$index] = array();
            $oldQty = null;
            $kitType = $params['efk_kType'];
            $params['super_attribute'] = array($data['sAttr']=>$kitType);
            $stock = null;
            try {
                if (isset($params['qty'])) {
                    $product = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->load($params['product']);
                    $childProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getUsedProducts(null, $product);
                    foreach($childProducts as $cProd){
                        if($cProd->getKitType() == $kitType){
                            $stock = intval(Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')->loadByProduct($cProd)->getQty());
                    if(intval($params['qty']) > $stock){
                        $oldQty = intval($params['qty']);
                        $params['qty'] = $stock;
                        $result['data'][$index]['revised'] = true;

                    $filter = new Zend_Filter_LocalizedToNormalized(
                        array('locale' => Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode())
                    $params['qty'] = $filter->filter($params['qty']);

                $quoteItem = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getItemById($id);
                if (!$quoteItem) {
                    Mage::throwException($this->__('Quote item is not found.'));

                //Its going to infinity loop duwe to Varien Object need to check later
                //$item = $cart->updateItem($id, new Varien_Object($params));
                $item = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->updateItem($id, $params);

                if (is_string($item)) {
                if ($item->getHasError()) {

                $related = $params['related_product'];
                if (!empty($related)) {
                    Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->addProductsByIds(explode(',', $related));


                    array('item' => $item, 'request' => $this->getRequest(), 'response' => $this->getResponse())

                if (!Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getNoCartRedirect(true)) {
                    if (!Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getHasError()) {
                        $result['success'] = true;
                        if($oldQty > $item->getQty()){
                            $message = $this->__('%s has been revised due to stock limitations. You may proceed with the order for the revised quantity.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($item->getProduct()->getName()));
                            $message = $this->__('%s was updated in your shopping cart.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($item->getProduct()->getName()));
                        $result['data'][$index]['message'] = $message;
                        $result['data'][$index]['itemId'] = $item->getId();
                        $result['data'][$index]['itemPrice'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice($item->getCalculationPrice());
                        $result['data'][$index]['qty'] = $item->getQty();
                        $result['data'][$index]['rowTotal'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice($item->getRowTotal());

            } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
                $result['success'] = false;
                $result['data'][$index]['success'] = 'qty';
                $result['data'][$index]['message'] = $e->getMessage();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $result['success'] = false;
                $result['data'][$index]['message'] = $e->getMessage();
                $result['data'][$index]['secondMessage'] = $this->__('Cannot update the item.');

        $result['data']['grandTotal'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getGrandTotal());
        $result['data']['totalItems'] = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getSummaryQty();
        $totals = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getTotals();
        $result['data']['subTotal'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice($totals['subtotal']->getValue());
        if(isset($totals['discount']) && $totals['discount']->getValue()){
            $result['data']['discount'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice($totals['discount']->getValue());
            $result['data']['discount'] = Mage::helper('checkout')->formatPrice(0);

AJAX Response I'm getting

    "data": {
        "1187": {
            "success": true,
            "message": "THREE PHASE SOLID STATE RELAY WITH ZVS was updated in your shopping cart.",
            "itemId": "1191",
            "itemPrice": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  3,799</span>",
            "qty": 1,
            "rowTotal": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  3,799</span>",
            "forLoop": "yes"
        "1189": {
            "success": true,
            "message": "AUTO INTENSITY CONTROL OF STREET LIGHTS was updated in your shopping cart.",
            "itemId": "1193",
            "itemPrice": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  0</span>",
            "qty": 1,
            "rowTotal": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  0</span>",
            "forLoop": "yes"
        "grandTotal": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  8,798</span>",
        "totalItems": 2,
        "subTotal": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  8,798</span>",
        "discount": "<span class=\"price\">20b9  0</span>"

I am getting itemPrice and rowTotal for 2nd item as 0. Every time I am getting correct values for 1st item only. If i am update 5 items at a time (say for example) then i am getting correct values for 1st item and for remianing items i am getting 0's.

If i refresh cart once i get AJAX response, then it is showing itemPrice and rowTotal updated values correctly for all items.

Note: 20b9 is HEX Code for Indian Rupee symbol

Please point out where i am wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Try this and let me know the result. We can re-factor after that.

$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
$products = array()
foreach ($cart->getQuote()->getAllItems() as $item) {
   $products['id'] = $item->getProductId();
   $products['price'] = $item->getPrice();

Second attempt:

I have no idea about your problem but it seems to me you have super_attribute problem. To see what attributes available in the configurable products, try to run following code. Do you see any price value in the array?

PS: the code took from

// Collect options applicable to the configurable product
$productAttributeOptions =  $product->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($product);
$attributeOptions = array();
foreach ($productAttributeOptions as $productAttribute) {
   foreach ($productAttribute['values'] as $attribute) {
      $attributeOptions[$productAttribute['label']][$attribute['value_index']] = $attribute['store_label'];