Magento – Get config of simple product from configurable product options


Hi i have a configurable product id and its selected options ids is there any way i can get the id of simple product of this configurable product which belongs to these options.

      array(4) {
        [551]=> "11474"
        [554]=> "11515"

I have this array i want to get simple product id of this configurable product which belongs to these super attributes.

Best Answer

I found an answer for this question if we send it params and parent product it will return the related associated product.

$product = $parent_config_product_object;
      array(4) {
        [551]=> "11474"
        [554]=> "11515"
    $childProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getProductByAttributes($params['super_attribute'], $product);

Hope it will help someone else..

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