Magento – get configurable swatches in homepage product list (Custom product list)


I have populated bestselling products on homepage. It's populating list of products as desired. Now i have enabled configurable swatches & have enabled on product listing(i'm using rwd theme).

I can see color swatches on product lists in my product listing page. Now i want those swatches on my custom product list at homepagepage.

What i tried:

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/template')->setTemplate('configurableswatches/catalog/product/list/swatches.phtml')->toHtml(); ?>

This above prints nothing.

And i get all the code from rwd/default/theme/configurableswatches/catalog/product/list/swatches.phtml inside products populating loop. And it worked and shows the swatches, but now clicking on swatches has no effect to image ? (Image doesn't changes as like it does on product listing for same product even after i added all configurableswatches js under skin/frontend/rwd/default/js/configurableswatches/*.js).

What is the best way to achieve configurable swatches on custom product list on homepage ?

Best Answer

To show configurable swatch on Home Page in Feature Products List, follow the below steps -

1- Make your own list.phtml file for custom products list 2- in your list.phtml file select place where you want to show configurable swatches, and paste below code -

$_nameAfterChild = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product_list.swatches');
echo $_nameAfterChild->toHtml();

3- Include this file in Home Page in CMS using below code -

{{block type="catalog/product_list" column_count="5" category_id="21" template="catalog/product/homepage-list.phtml"}}  

4- In local.xml file in your theme paste below code -

         <update handle="product_list"/>