Magento – Get content of CMS block by identifier


I need to create a module which lets the backend user add tooltips to the products custom options. So I created a field which the user fills with the unique identifier of a cms block which contains the text for the tooltip.

So my train of thought here was to create a plugin which appends the content of the given cms block to the html of my custom options.



namespace Vendor\Module\Plugin;

class OptionsBlockPlugin {

protected $resultPageFactory;

public function __construct
       \Magento\Framework\View\LayoutFactory $layoutFactory
       $this->_layoutFactory = $layoutFactory;

public function aroundGetOptionHtml(\Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View\Options $subject, callable $proceed, \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option $option)
     $returnValue = $proceed($option);
     $tooltip = $option->getData('tooltip'); //string of identifiert (for example: 'myBlock')

      if ($tooltip) {

          $block = $this->_layoutFactory->create()->createBlock('Vendor\Module\Block\Product\View\Options\Tooltip');
          $content = $block->getContent($tooltip);

              $returnValue = $returnValue.'<div class="option-tooltip">'.$content.'</div>';


        return $returnValue;


And my block class:



namespace Vendor\Module\Block\Product\View\Options;

use Magento\Cms\Api\BlockRepositoryInterface;
use Magento\Cms\Api\Data\BlockInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context;

class Tooltip extends Template

    private $blockRepository;
    public function __construct(
        BlockRepositoryInterface $blockRepository,
        Context $context,
        array $data = []
    ) {
        $this->blockRepository = $blockRepository;
        parent::__construct($context, $data);

    public function getContent($identifier)
        try {
            $block = $this->blockRepository->getById($identifier);
            $content = $block->getContent();
        } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
            $content = false;

        return $content;



What am I doing wrong here? I just can't get the content of my cms block by its identifier. Can somebody help me out a bit?

Best Answer

I got it! The problem was the getById() method it DOES take a identifier as well as the id, my problem was that my test block had the identifier "123" and although it is a string either magento or php reads it as a numeric id in the method. So it is always was searching for the id (int) 123 instead of the identifier (string) '123'.

Maybe seperate methods for getByIdentifier()/getById() would solve this.

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