Get Custom Attribute Value Without Loading the Product


I'm trying to get custom product attribute value (for attribute code flr01) in catalog_product_save_after observer without loading the product but I'm gettin null value if I'm not loading the product before using following functions

$qty = $observer->getProduct()->getAttributeText('flr01');


$qty = $observer->getProduct()->getData('flr01');

While loading the product before using getData() method, I'm getting flr01 value

$productId = $observer->getProduct()->getId();
$product = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product')->load($productId);
$qty = $product->getData('flr01');

I think loading the product again is not recommended from performance point of view (I should already have all product attributes available in $observer->getProduct() ).

Best Answer

You can get custom attribute data using below code at observer


and for getting : text value if it dropdown.

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