Magento – Get data from Custom Database Table in the Event Observer fired after purchase made in Cart


I have this code below that queries the Database for a collection or order records and it makes sure to JOIN my custom table and return it;s columns off data as well.

The custom table is named web/web and custom table columns are order_original_id which will be an ID that matches the order ID on the main table. Also shipbydate

The PHP that gets this data…

$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection();
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('status', array('eq' => $status));

// Filter out Order Types (RMA, RUSH, Normal)
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('ordertype_id', array('in' => $orderType));

    'web' => $collection->getTable('web/web')),
    'web.order_original_id = main_table.entity_id'

$collection->addOrder('shipbydate', 'ASC');

foreach ($collection as $order) {

    $shipping = $order->getShippingAddress()->getData();

    $html .= '<tr>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Order#</strong><br> <a href="work-order/order.php?orderid='.$order->getRealOrderId().'" target="_blank">'.$order->getRealOrderId().'</a></td>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Status:</strong><br> ' .$status_array[$order->getStatus()]. '</td>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Shipping Name:</strong><br>' .$shipping['firstname'].' '.$shipping['lastname'].'</td>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Shipping State:</strong><br>' .$shipping['region'].'</td>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Order Date:</strong><br> ' .$order->getCreatedAt(). '</td>';
    $html .= '    <td><strong>Ship Date:</strong><br>' .$order->getShipbydate(). '</td>';

    // Order Type (RMA, Rush, Normal)
    $order_type = $order->getOrdertypeId();


Moving on now what I am doing is using an Event Observer that is fired when a purchase is made in the shopping cart. It gets the order data and then I have access to it in which I then insert it into a 3rd party DB table.

The problem is that I need to somehow get the data from my custom add-on table in this Observer code!

Here is that code…


$order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
Mage::log(var_export($order->debug(), true), null, 'nam_order_event.log');

$orderId = $order->getId();


if ($order->getId()) {

    $sign_type = 'Neon Sign';
    $design_number = '';
    $item_qty = $order->items_qty;
    $grand_total_price = $order->grand_total;
    $customer_id = $order->customer_id;

    // insert data into 3rd party DB tables


So using the code I just posted for Observer.php I need to somehow get the DB table data from DB table web/web

Any ideas on a solution?

UPDATE 1: Requested Config.xml


Best Answer

  1. Get a dev environment you can test what you are doing, this is a horrible comment:

    All I can do is log data since I cant stop the event to see it;s output when a live order is made.

  2. You can just load your data via: Mage::getModel('web/web')->load($orderId, 'order_original_id');

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